I'll be using this as a reminder page, primarily for myself, about things gained/lost/fixed/to-be-fixed during the migration from the prior system to this one.

Don't mind me.

  • Fix: Cell phone display. Namely sidebar-width adjustment, column display, media overlaps
  • Lost: Newsletter functionality. Alternatives? Necessary?
    • Some modules appear to be in (current and rapid) development. Watch for those.
  • Gained: Media security (relative) and options to setup an ecommerce page.
    • Gained: site structure security (so.much.better.than.wordpress)
  • Gained: Simpler playlist functionality.
    • Fix: Playlist theme (colorization) and pop-out functionality (if applicable)
  • Gained: SEO - suppose it's time to learn it and remove the "discourage search" tag
    • Related: Go back and adjust SEO per post to optimize it.
  • Lost: Summary dashboard. Minor, but will need to adapt...or add an analytics display.
    • Temporary solution: Use analytics module from Google directly.
    • Integrated Analytics module...need to customize
    • Analytics modules create too many errors. Create custom embed code?
      • Custom embed code works, in a pinch, but let's try to avoid clunky js. Settle for using the normal analytics site while exploring alternatives (Piwik? OpenAnalytics?)
        • Matomo (Piwik) seems best, and respects Do Not Track...giving it a few days to collect data and see how that compares, then we'll re-evaluate
        • Added Open Web Analytics for comparison (Wordpress use(s/d) it?)
          • May or may not respect do not track, I'll have to investigate sub-settings
        • Running Google Analytics for the first few weeks to make sure everything is working, then I'll disable and remove it.
  • Lost: Video transcoder functionality. Did that even work before? Already running multiple resolution uploads.
    • This seems to be a moot point. The old transcoder only worked from the admin-side, so it wasn't doing visitors any good.
    • Continuing to find ways to reduce file size without compromising quality will be the best way to mitigate this anyway, so we'll call it a draw.
  • Gained: Simpler media sorting. Need to adjust filename conventions.
    • ...at least for future files.
  • Fix: Audio/video player overlaps theme borders in Chrome/IE.
  • Fix: Main content overlaps sidebar (beneath) in Chrome/IE
  • Lost: Comments on old content. Could migrate and add manually. Feasible? Worth it?
    • Migrating comments. Tedious, but only has to happen once.
  • Gained: meaningful user tracking.
    • Add Patreon-only content here as well? Should work.
      • Basic display works.
      • Alternative Media display works, with some caveats
        • Nothing really lost, there, so it should be fine.
  • Fix: Age verification popup. Needs to display on landing page at a minimum.
    • This works via module of the same name, but -only- after migrating to base directory.
    • Status: Fixed, via JQuery popup. Would be better to match existing theme, so consider switching after migration.
  • Fix: Add a GDPR popup or banner? Tracking is IP-anonymized already. Check compliance reqs.
    • Better safe. Stuck to the bottom of the age popup.
  • Neither?: Anti-spam is multiple separate functions now. Do they work the same, better, different?
    • Time to find out. Hoo boy.
  • Gained: finer control over server load. Improved or worsened?
    • Database is much larger. Problem?
    • Load times seem on par or slightly improved.
    • Media load (even with access control) is the same.
  • Style and functionality testing: need testing from other sources.
    • cell
    • tablet
    • IE/Edge
      • Edge (so presumably IE) doesn't collapse comment threads at all.
        • Do I care? Replace with collapsing fieldset? Can I do that strictly for IE? (Yes)
    • Chrome
    • Safari?
      • At least from basic render tests, it seems okay. Would like an Apple user as a guinea pig...
  • Text seems a bit compressed. Increase line spacing?
    • This appears to be browser-dependent, so there isn't an obvious solution.
  • Make sure to check links after directory swap.
    • Holy working links batman!
      • But I suspect I'm forgetting some.
  • Additional list items go here.
    • Dashboard page? Low priority if any.
    • Fix links. Aliases broke relative links.
    • Fix comments. (Appearance.)
    • Put "author" info at lower right instead of upper left.
    • Fix comments. (Collapse the form by default.)
      • That was a horrendous slog, but I think it's worthwhile. Cleaner pages this way.
    • Keep an eye on error report log (particularly CSP) for a few weeks.
      • Fonts?
      • Emojis in the comments, but only some?
      • Inline styles/scripts
      • Media references and sources
    • Fix the Patreon and Ko-fi buttons - that is, reference them directly from the server rather than as they are.
      • Problem: relative links broken outside home page. Why?
        • ...because they're relative to root, which isn't this directory (until migration is complete) so this should fix itself.
    • Create Patron-only content restrictions (for file downloads, etc)
      • Media types seem to work well for this.
      • Need to test file downloads.
    • Clean up User form display?
      • Success! Or at least centered and recolored a bit.
    • Manage database size/clutter if practical.
      • Revisions seem to be problematic. Do I need them?
    • Did ctools break the taxonomy pages???


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