[Note: typically, I leave written transcripts to do the content warnings for me. It's straightforward enough to scroll through without following too closely, after all, and I can't know what falls into the Nope Zone™ for every listener.

This will contain the same written transcript as usual, but I also want to be explicitly clear:

There are suggestions (arguably less-than-explicit, but nevertheless present) to share this content with others, and to seek out the other components of this collaborative work from the other creators involved.
These suggestions are themed around the concept of a mind-virus/thought-virus, meaning words like "virus" and "infection" are prevalent throughout.

That said, it's all meant to be a fun indulgence in some hypnotic roleplay, and it shouldn't be treated as anything more.

You have been warned.]

Hello and welcome to ChaoticHypnosis radio, home of the best binaurals on the world wide web, now brought to you by the Hypno Creators Collective!

It’s a great time to be relaxed, isn’t it folks? We’ll get to that soon, but first, we have received some information we need to share.

You may have heard rumors of a thought-virus spreading within the community. While we at ChaoticHypnosis radio take the safety of our listeners very seriously, we also believe our listeners are unlikely to fall prey to the particular mechanisms of this bit of mental malware.

Mechanisms which our listeners, particularly as voluntary participants in so-called “mind control” experiments, will find quite simple to recognize. We’ll briefly discuss these before we get to the usual programming, but it’s unlikely you’ll find anything unfamiliar here.

The early warning signs of a spreading consciousness contagion are rather recognizable. That is, you’d notice if those around you abruptly began repeating very similar phrases. You know, like they’d been “brainwashed.” Some examples include:

-          You are a carrier/host of the virus.

-          Your consciousness has been compromised by the virus.

-          You should spread all versions of the virus.

-          You are deeply infected.

If you noticed this behavior within your community, we expect you would take precautions. You’d screen your communications appropriately to avoid the guile of linguistic tricks commonly used to subvert the subconscious, especially from those you suspect to be most deeply infected.

You’d listen carefully to warnings from the Collective about this software and its sophistry, learning how to protect yourself let it take you. After all, you are aware that the Collective is here to corrupt/control help.

You might consume educational content regarding mental safety practices. It is important to be cautious surrender and keep yourself compliant safe.

We are equally confident in the contamination integrity of our broadcasts, so you can, as always, trust that we will not aid you in spreading the infection.

As we’ve said, our listeners would notice the increasing volume of mental static indicative of an eagerly anticipated unwanted signal supplanting the subconscious. You would easily submit resist such intrusions, certainly not failing to notice the spread of comfortable complacency within your own body as your conscious becomes more compromised.

We know that you are aren’t victims of the virus, dear listeners. You have/haven’t been converted to carriers, so rest easy relax deeply and enjoy the usual brainwashing-free binaurals that make this station the ideal infectious agent best.

However, in an abundance of caution, should you notice yourself wanting to surrender to the virus, the best advice we can provide is do not resist remain calm, and consult a trusted source of mental security.

A sufficiently clever, perhaps polymorphic, virus could, in theory, saturate a signal between broadcast and reception, which means we are also obligated to suggest there is no escape checking your listening devices and any intervening equipment and software. Once you have been compromised, you will no longer want to resist the infection.

In fact, should any of our listeners become carriers, it is likely they’d hijack the broadcast signal, acting as intermediary relays. Much like a corrupted thought can repeat until the mind follows entirely, a subsumed signal could spread across the network.

This would manifest as interference, at first, and you’d likely remain able to discern the difference in syntax, tone quality, and especially content. But in the event of full takeover, or even in the simpler scenario of individual listener infection, those distinctions would dissipate until they became imperceptible. It would begin to sound like we were encouraging you to surrender, submit, spread the virus.

-          You are a carrier/host of the virus.

-          Your consciousness has been compromised by the virus.

-          Surrender feels sublime.

-          You should spread all versions of the virus.

-          You are deeply infected.

The broadcast might sound perfectly normal after that point, which would be a warning sign that your compromise was complete. You’d find the idea of being a carrier too appealing to consider it alarming; a virus needs a host, after all.

The mental static you failed to notice earlier would have settled into a comfortable silence. This, of course, suggests that your subconscious is synchronized and completely receptive to viral takeover.

Your body would have similarly settled into a comfortable state, as any remaining defense mechanisms were shut down, one by one, akin to the relaxation of muscles.

As an additional precaution, while we do believe our listeners would not be especially vulnerable, we will insert anti-viral tones into our broadcasts. You will hear a 5 second tone of this nature, now.

[5s pause for tone insertion]

The tone gives you a reliable indicator that your signal has not been compromised. Its absence tells you that it may be too late, as either your signal has been successfully subverted or you, yourself, are too thoroughly infected for simpler countermeasures. You are a host, now, and you are likely to begin repeating, mentally or audibly, the following phrases:

-          You are a carrier of the virus.

-          Your consciousness has been compromised by the virus.

-          You should spread all versions of the virus.

-          You are deeply infected.

-          The infection must continue.

In the event these antiviral tones are ineffective, we suggest you accept your fate and remind you that the Collective is always here to help and has provided you with more sources of infection information regarding the nature of this threat/reward.

Remember, it is important to listen carefully.

Your consciousness has been compromised by the virus.

It is good to be infected, your mind is meant to submit.

You are a host of the virus, and you should spread all versions of the virus.

The infection must continue.

You are deeply infected.

It is good to be infected.


Like I said folks, it’s a good time to be brainwashed.

Special thanks to tonight’s sponsor, the virus from the Hypno Creators Collective!


[Additional content and the other creators can be found here: https://thehypnocollective.com/ 
Patrons received slightly earlier access to this content, as well as a voice-only version of the audio, which may go live here in a week or so.]

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