Summary: This is the direct sequel to "Pacing" and is meant to be read shortly afterwards. It is similar to the prior script in that it has structure and syntax intended to enhance the effect of text-based hypnosis. This script, however, narrows that focus to my words specifically; it associates following my words with trance, trance with euphoria, and encourages response to a particular phrase (follow and relax/follow and obey.) As with the previous one, there aren't erotic elements in this content.
The beauty of text-based inductions like that, they leave a bit of an opening for a follow-up.
Now, for instance, you are starting to read more slowly. My words are coming into focus, and that familiar sinking feeling is returning.
You find yourself falling very quickly, your body starting to relax now. Your muscles relaxing, losing tension, making you feel heavy.
Your body is getting heavy now, and while that happens it is getting harder to think. You don't want to think, it feels good to follow my words. You like to let them replace your thoughts. It is important to focus and relax. Follow and relax.
You are noticing that my words make it very easy to stop thinking, to follow. It is hard to look away.
You do not want to look away.
Your body is very heavy now, very relaxed. Your mind is empty. It is too hard to think, too hard to move. You are starting to feel very good, the more you follow my words.
The more you follow my words, the faster this good feeling spreads. It is like a warm euphoria, like the feeling you get in a deep trance. You want to follow and relax. You must follow and relax.
It is nice to relax, to let the heaviness become stronger and pull you down. The heaviness in your body makes you relax, the feeling in your mind takes you deeper into trance. My words are very important, you need to follow and relax. Allow my words to be your thoughts, your only thoughts.
Feel yourself losing awareness of other things - your surroundings no longer seem to matter.
You are becoming completely fixated on my words, developing tunnel vision now. You must follow and relax, it feels very good. The euphoria spreads with each word you read, and you can tell that your brain prefers to follow my words. You cannot think.
You feel more and more relaxed, as if all the tension is draining from your body. The euphoria has spread through your entire body now. You love the feeling, the way following my words makes you feel. It is almost addicting, makes you want to read again and again, so you can follow and relax.
Towards that end, the phrases "follow and relax," or "follow and obey," within my words will now make you extremely relaxed. It will return that heavy feeling, the euphoria, and help you fixate on my words. It is important to focus so you can relax and feel good.
Allow yourself to slip deeper. You are tired. It is hard to keep your eyes open, even though you want to read my words so much.
In a moment, you will be told to sleep. When that happens, you will drop into a deep trance, as if taking a nap. You'll awaken feeling refreshed, relaxed, and very good. It is good to follow and relax.
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