Summary: This script is designed explicitly to be read. The structure and syntax is designed to enhance the effect of text-based hypnosis...provided, of course, that you follow the instructions. There are no lasting triggers, though the text does suggest continuing to the next script in the series. There are no erotic elements included in this content.

In my experience, the largest issue subjects have with text trances is pacing. Lacking the rhythm a hypnotist can produce with voice or even motion, inevitably one begins to read the text too quickly. The effects of word choice and syntax and rhythmic device become lost, especially to those who read frequently.

So for this experiment, slow down. Deliberately force yourself to read each word, let yourself “hear” them within your own mind. Treat it like a conversation, or any voice induction you’ve heard. Read slowly, carefully, savor every syllable.

This will require you to focus. It is important to focus only on the text. You should not allow yourself to be distracted by other things. This is familiar to you, whether you realize it or not. You do this when you settle down to read a book in whatever form. You develop a kind of tunnel vision, when you read properly – slowly, carefully, focused – that blocks out your surroundings. Time seems to change pace, as you lose awareness of it.

That feeling is rather pleasant, for a reader. It is the thing all these words struggle to create, because once you have reached that level of focus, you can be taken almost anywhere.

Now, for instance, you are being taken into a trance. You are finding that this level of focus prevents you from looking away from my words. You need to finish reading, reading carefully. You need to absorb every sentence, every phrase. It is important to focus. Your body, neglected by your attention, is heavy. You do not want to move. You want to relax, as a reader should when enjoying pleasant sets of words.

You want to relax, to follow along closely. You need to finish reading my words, allowing them to guide you. You can hear them more easily inside your mind, and it is very easy to follow them. Very easy to allow my words to take control of your mind, to lull you deeper into a trance. It is important to focus, to read closely.

As you continue reading, that pleasant feeling of being lost in my words gets stronger. This is you slipping deeper into trance, slowly losing control. It feels nice, you’d like to do it again. You like to read, after all.

When you see the word “sleep” again, at the end of this text, you will close your eyes and submit to a gentle trance. You will rest awhile, feeling peaceful and content, and you will awaken shortly feeling very refreshed.

While it is important to focus, it is also important to relax. You feel your body following that instruction, tension draining from your muscles now. You also notice the heavy feeling getting stronger, as if it is pulling you down. Your body is getting heavy, it is hard to move. You don’t want to move anyway, you simply want to relax and continue to read.

Relax and continue to follow my words. Your muscles are going limp, one by one. You feel as if you are sinking into a warm pool, and the sensation is very pleasant. It reminds you how nice it feels to follow my words and allow your mind to drift away. As the weight pulls your body down, helping you relax, your mind floats further away. My words are much more important than your thoughts.

When you see the word that will allow you to close your eyes and rest, you will slip into a deeper trance. When you awaken, you will remain entranced for some time. You will savor the sensation of surrender.

Once this is done, you will remain relaxed and comfortable, your mind slowly returning to normal. It is time to close your eyes and rest.

It is important to sleep.

After you wake the second time, continue here.


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